Seed Grants Available in Queensland for 2022

Deadline extension: now 11 April due to the recent flooding in SE Queensland. The Queensland National Science Week Coordinating Committee is offering grants up to $5,000 for activities delivered during or close to National Science Week in 2022. The purpose of these grants is to increase community engagement with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)…

Event Grants Available in ACT for 2022

Grants are now open for National Science Week in the ACT. The local coordinating committee are looking for fun and engaging events to be delivered in person, online or in a hybrid style. Grants are available for $2000, or up to $5000 if you are targeting an under-represented audience such as disadvantaged youth, Aboriginal and/or…

Grants in New South Wales for 2022

Expressions of interest are invited from NSW-based event providers to deliver innovative live, online and hybrid events and activities that can be delivered as part of National Science Week that this year will run from 13 – 21 August 2022. The purpose of this funding is to connect community members with science and technology, including…

Victorian Seed Grants for 2022

The Victorian National Science Week Coordinating Committee invite libraries, community organisations and individuals to apply for seed funding to run a public event, activity or program during National Science Week in 2022. Grants are up to $1000 each. Public Library Services may apply for multiple grants, provided separate grant applications are submitted, and the applications…

NT Grants for National Science Week in 2022

Inspiring and innovative science projects fit for all ages are being sought from the Northern Territory community for National Science Week in 2022. National Science Week will run from 13 – 21 August across the NT, bringing a wide range of science activities to children and adults in the Territory. In 2022 National Science Week…

Postponed Events in the Top End

For those in the Top End, the National Science Week fun hasn’t ended! In response to the last minute lockdown during National Science Week, many events in the Northern Territory were postponed. Luckily, they are now able to go ahead — subject to any further changes to COVID-19 restrictions. Here are some of the re-scheduled National Science…

Mid-Afternoon Masterclasses with Melbourne Uni Researchers

What do whales, echidnas, vaccines, rock art and dark matter have in common? They’re all part of The University of Melbourne’s series of ‘Mid-Afternoon Masterclasses’, running every day this week for the university’s Science Festival, as part of National Science Week. The masterclasses are delivered online as 45-minute mini lectures at 2pm each day and are suitable…

Seeing Things Differently: The science behind X-ray imaging

Join in a behind the scenes tour of Micro-X’s production facility, where we develop and produce next generation X-ray imaging equipment incorporating innovative design and carbon nanotube technology. Free photography workshops, presented by Digido Studios, and other science related art and craft activities are also available. Activities include: Science and Craft Admission Micro-X Facility Tour…