Unleash your inner poet by submitting your best science haiku.
We’re looking for sci-kus with a FARMING or AGRICULTURAL theme in recognition of the 2012 Australian Year of the Farmer. This is a Great Big Science Read competition as part of National Science Week 2012.
What is a Sci-Ku?
Inspired by the Japanese haiku, sci-ku is a short three-line poem about science that depicts the everyday world around us.
The Caterories
- Primary (12 years and under)
- Secondary (13–18 years inclusive)
- Open (no age limit)
Entrants are asked to clearly state which category is being entered.
The Rules
- Each poem must be on the theme of farming or agriculture.
- Poems should not exceed three lines. Syllable counts are not relevant.
- Each entrant may submit a maximum of three sci-kus.
- All poems must be original, unpublished works (in print or online) by the poet entering the competition.
- Entries open Wednesday 18 July and must be received at RiAus by Sunday 19 August 2012.
- No poems will be returned.
- The judges’ decision is final; no correspondence will be entered into.
The Prizes
- 1st prize in each category–Kindle e-Reader
- 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded in each category, with prizes of $50 and $20 worth of book vouchers respectively.
- Prize winners will see their sci-ku and name in lights on the RiAus ribbon artwork on the exterior of The Science Exchange in Adelaide.
- Prize winners and other selected entries will be published on the RiAus website.
More info and how to Enter
For more details visit the sci-ku website. Send your entries in via email.