Congratulations to the 248 schools that have been successful in sharing the grant pool of $90,000, with each receiving up to $500. Thank you to each and every one of the 586 schools who applied – this was a record number of applications! And thanks to the Australian Science Teachers Association and their state chapters for administering the grant round.
Successful applicants will receive an email from ASTA by 25 May with the details of their grant, a reminder of the conditions of the grant and a request for an invoice.
*/** denotes schools collaborating on the same projects
Canberra Girls Grammar School
Roaming Robots: Building an underwater robot. We would like to offer students (particularly Year 9) the opportunity to build an underwater robot. This will build on their science knowledge of plate tectonics and oceanography (and links to Nautilus Live expedition), electrical circuits and electromagnetic spectrum. We hope that an “Active Display” could be set up for the final day, where students could demonstrate their robots to staff/students (with an invitation to junior school students).
Erindale College
Science and Mathematics Enrichment Day where students from schools on the southside of Canberra are invited to participate in a full day of challenging and engaging science and mathematics activities aimed at promoting enthusiasm and further study.
French-Australian Preschool Assoc. Inc.
The children at our school are very curious and keen to understand and talk about phenomenon they notice around them. The goal is to help them to conduct scientific experiments in the five classes and in the after school program. The staff will decide on the experiments they will organise for their class. The teachers will offer a list of activities to the children who will choose and conduct the activities in small groups during a set time. This will encourage the students to have ownership of the experiments. The children will make their little science booklets to explain to their parents how they did the experiments.
Jervis Bay School
Science workshop and show for preschool and primary school students.
Kaleen Primary
Family science night.
Maribyrnong Primary
Robot challenge event to introduce robotics to the whole school. Students will be asked to come up with either a particular goal (eg choreograph a robotic dance routine) or a particular problem they want to use the robot to solve (eg getting through a maze). Students will then write a program to achieve their goal or solve the problem. Students who enter the challenge will demonstrate their robots to the rest of the school each day during science week to inspire other students.
Monash School
Coding Club – 30 students aged 9-12 years. Programming of drones so students can demonstrate their work at a whole school assembly (where students will also discuss and present their work). This will also involve developing the students’ science communication skills.
O’Connor Cooperative School
O’Connor Cooperative School Science Fair. We will run a science fair morning rotation so that families and students can learn about the use and influence of science on our society, in particular the way autonomous technologies have transformed our daily lives. Students will be organised into multi-aged small groups. We will have approximately seven teachers, two STAs and up to five members of the community with science backgrounds running science experiments/activities for the children to participate in. We will send out an invitation to members of our community, in particular to Black Mountain School, our local special needs school.
Palmerston District
Citizen Science under a Drones Eye View. Lead by our CSIRO Scientists in Schools partner Dr Karel Mokany a Research Scientist for CSIRO Land and Water, Palmerston students will participate in a Citizen Science survey of the Palmerston school grounds and adjacent natural parkland for Biodiversity. Data collection is aimed at the Living Atlas and data recording experience for 500 students. A report collating data collection and significant findings will be published post citizen science event. Meanwhile a drone controlled by Tony Morley who is employed as a drone builder for a Sydney company will record the day’s events with visual images. There will be a general demonstration and explanation of application about drones along with documentation of the day’s science celebrations. A competition to win the opportunity to operate the camera in the drone will be part of the day’s experience.
Sacred Heart Primary School, Pearce
Sacred Heart’s Animated Makerspace (SHAM) – despite the shonky name we are looking to extend the use of the schools existing technologies for a new creatively resourced makerspace area.
St. Clare’s College
All Year 7s will participate in CREST Bronze Awards to participate in a Science Fair project. All entries will be put on display at Science in ACTion in National Science Week. ANU students have been arranged to mentor the students.
Sts Peter and Paul Primary School
The Sts Peter and Paul Science Expo. The students will take part in a whole school Science Expo organised and facilitated by the teachers and students. Students from across the school will be involved in a wide variety of hands-on, fun and educational science activities. Parents will be invited to join in the activities to share their science understandings with their children. The students and staff from Malkara Special School will be invited to attend our Science Expo day as part of our inclusion program
Taylor Primary
Hands on Science at Taylor Primary: The Early Years. Around 80 activities will be provided and spread throughout the junior school. They will be monitored by teachers who will be encouraging families to work together with their children in the discovering the science behind each activity. Poster Displays and books will also celebrate science in the early years.
Wanniassa School
Students can choose from two activities (or both) that involve teamwork and problem solving: Choice # 1: Breakout challenge. Using a Breakout EDU kit, students will solve a number of puzzles (we would choose a science themed challenge) to open a locked box, with prizes inside. All breakout games involve critical thinking, team work and problem solving. Choice # 2: construct a dome. Using newspaper, blue/sticky tape and toothpicks design a dome that can hold as much weight as possible. Students will construct their designs during our MAPS sessions. This ensures all students in 7-10 are able to participate in the activity. Students will showcase and test their designs at an assembly.
NSW (42 schools)
Afterlee school*
COLOURSS Science Festival – Going Robotic- We plan to integrate STEM and the new generation of Connected Learning and Autonomous technology into our annual National Science Week Festival. We celebrate Science week theme over three sites, which are centred on age groups. Seven small schools are joining up with Kyogle High School to undertake hands-on activities involving Mindstorm robotics and drones. A lecturer from Southern Cross University and her Masters student and KHS staff and Year 7 students will be leading the activities.
Asquith Girls High School
Outdoor activities planned including, explosive chemistry, robotics demonstration and competitions. Indoors we have a library Science movie playing for students and ongoing lunchtime fun lab experiments led by senior students to engage junior students in STEM.
Barham High School
Science v Art – School based, the students will work to create artworks based on science concepts and then provide artist statements with the pieces. These will then be on display at the school in a community event. They will be encouraged to use unconventional, perhaps even Science-based, materials to illustrate their concept, and tap into their creativity. The community evening will display the works, but also be a ground for creating and discussing the intrinsic connection between science and art. We will be using Makey-Makeys to create music from unconventional items, creating instruments from household equipment, creating a giant cupcake periodic table and allowing the community to contribute to a work to be installed at the school.
Barkers Vale Public School*
COLOURSS Science Festival – Going Robotic. Our community of schools engage in learning stages in a variety of hands on activities. We are very keen to include robotics for our stage 3 students especially, but desperately require funds to purchase a robotics kit to enable students to truly engage in this 21st Century learning opportunity.
Carlton South Public School
Living in the Future With LEGO for National Science Week, the students and teachers of Carlton South Public School will aim to gain a glimpse of the future by exploring the technologies that we already use to make our lives easier. We will move beyond our classrooms and homes to gain an understanding of how these same technologies are being used to deepen our knowledge of deep sea and space exploration. We hope to achieve this through the purchase of a number of powered and robotic Lego kits. Through deconstruction, students will learn about the real-life application of drones and robots, and then work together to possibly create some new ways that robotics can assist us in the future.
Castle Cove Public School
Community Science Event – Science Under the Stars Evening event featuring talks by scientists – Indigenous astronomy and wildlife conservation, sky viewing using telescopes, science activities and demonstrations by senior (Years 4 – 6) students, exhibition of science work by all grades in school, workshops on sustainability initiatives in school and dissection of animal organs (eye/lung/heart) by parent and community volunteers. Details of the 2015 event.
Collins Creek School*
COLOURSS Science Festival -Going Robotic- We plan to integrate STEM and the new generation of Connected Learning and Autonomous technology into our annual National Science Week Festival. 7 small schools are joining up with Kyogle High School to undertake hands-on activities involving Mindstorm robotics and drones. A lecturer and her Masters student and KHS staff and Year 7 students will be leading the activities.
Coraki Public School
We will be having a “Museums Alive” Science Fair in Science Week at Coraki Public School near Lismore in NSW. A special part of the fair will be the droids, androids and robots section with models and active presentations from the students. We would like to promote Science in our school and community through the development of LEGO building resources and Science Show Bags, which will really enhance the effectiveness of the Science Fair.
East Hills Girls Technology High School
Droid and Robots Challenge – Our school will be running sessions with students in stage 4 and 5 to program Lego robots to undertake a challenge.
Holy Spirit Infants
We will run a activities each day during National Science Week to promote the love of science and will complete the week with a full science day where the students and parents will participate in a tabloid style of activities organised by staff and interested presenters. The activities will explore simple science with a hands-on experimental focus.
Kanwal Public School
Science Fair to showcase to our commitment to 21st century Science teaching and learning. This will be an event that comprises of collaborative learning experiences for our 700 students in 3D printing, computer coding, introduction to engineering workshops and robotics
Lumen Christi Catholic College
Automated Plant Propagation Facility controlled by Arduino Software and associated hardware.
Marian Catholic College
We are setting up a STEM program. As part of National Science Week we would love to be able to purchase some spiro robots and develop a team to learn to program with a hope to expand this program in the future.
Mount Victoria Public School
Robotics Week – Let’s all be Roboticists! The main purpose of which will be to get students and the school community excited about Robotics, and thinking about the application of autonomous technologies and their relevance to industry and everyday life.
Newtown Public School
Newtown Public School’s Robot Parade. The school robotics club intends to stage a parade for their schoolmates and parents, showcasing their robots and the skills each robot has. The current club members are from Kindergarten to Year 6. They would work in teams of 4 to build and program a robot then decorate and name it. During the Robot Parade each team would parade their robot around a small stage to their chosen soundtrack, demonstrating any special moves. This event would give the current robotics club members a challenge and let them share what they have learnt with the greater school community. The fun and accessible nature of the parade would also encourage other students to join the club.
Nimbin Central School
It is proposed the funding would support the implementation of school based Science activities in two ways. Firstly, students would participate in ‘Science Explorer Workshops’ that run during the National Science Week. Students would experience a variety of experiments and interactive activities using everyday materials alongside computerized robots, drones and droids. Secondly, the school will host a ‘Science Spectacular’ on the last day of Science Week.
Pennant Hills Public School
Science Evening – Build your own Robot. Our inaugural science evening will bring together parents, students and teachers at Pennant Hills Public School for an evening extravaganza of robot making.
Pittwater House
Drone dreaming. Introducing a project that involves working drones into the new STEM class in our high school and also extend the project to the primary school. Students will learn some basic block coding as a fun introduction to coding in connection with an ipad or iphone. We will also run a debate on the laws around use of drones, which will incorporate social aspects, safety aspects, advancements in technology and privacy invasion.
PLC Sydney
As the theme of National Science Week is Drones, Droids and Robots, we plan to carry out as many interactive activities and challenges for our students involving these things. We plan to have a competition to code a ‘Sphero’ robot to move through a set maze in as fast a time as possible. We also plan to have a competition to race mini drones across a set straight-line path. As well as the Drones, Droids and Robots challenges we plan to carry out a paper plane challenge for our entire school.
Rukenvale Public School*
COLOURSS Science Festival – Going Robotic – We plan to integrate STEM and the new generation of Connected Learning and Autonomous technology into our annual National Science Week Festival. Our learning community of 7 small schools called COLOURSS celebrate Science week themes every year over three school sites , breaking up students into age appropriate year levels . Our learning community is joining up with Kyogle High School to undertake hands-on activities involving Mindstorm robotics and drones.
Sacred Heart Primary School, Mosman
Coding with Drones – In conjunction with the student-led ICT Committee, I am aiming to raise awareness of coding and its implications in the student and parent community. The Year 6 students in the ICT Committee will learn about the basics of how to use these drones in conjunction with official Sphero apps and appropriate third party apps.
St Edwards Primary School
Edisons @ St Eddies! Challenges and learning opportunities based on the hands on use of the ‘Edison’ Robot. Over the course of the week visits by our local preschool children (activities to suit), local high school students (activities to suit) and our parents/grandparents and local community members (activities to suit) will be made available for them to interact and use the Edison Robots.
St John’s Primary School, Dubbo**
Robotics Collaboration – SJPS has purchased Edison robots and are planning a STEM program with our neighbouring high school, St John’s College. The program will involve Year 9 Science and Technology students mentoring our Year 6 students in robotics, coding and programming.
St Johns College, Dubbo**
Partnership between St John’s College and St John’s Primary School whereby in sharing resources, knowledge and enthusiasm we will endeavour to improve the profile of science and engineering in regional schools. St John’s College will be implementing a mentoring program between our Stage 5 and St John’s Primary Stage 3 students whereby the classes will be working together to program Edison robots to complete a number of commands. A competition day will be held on the 15/8/16 during National Science Week at St John’s College.
St Joseph’s, Oatley
Whole school Science and digital technologies expo. Using Raspberry Pi 3, students will be able to use sensors such as temp sensor to build for example a mini weather station and collect data as one example. The coding project combines STEM, engages, develops student collaboration and critical thinking skills.
St Joseph’s Primary, Manildra
Robotics into the Future – St Joseph’s Primary, Manildra would like to invite other small schools from the surrounding area of Manildra to a robotics workshop where students, teachers, parents and community members have a chance to watch, participate and ask questions relating to robotics and coding. Also to encourage these other schools to join in on the ‘Robotics Revolution’.
St Luke’s Grammar School
“Yesterday’s Science Fiction, Tomorrow’s Science Fact” This theme hopes to highlight that the previously considered “fantasy” has so often become reality. Educationally we want to highlight imagination, creative thinking, progressive mindsets, to encourage students that there are no wrong ideas when it comes to technological advancement.
St Mary’s High, Gateshead
Maitland-Newcastle Diocese STEM Challenge Day. High Schools from across our Diocese will be invited to take part in a range of STEM-based challenges. Groups of four students will compete in a range of activities including CO2 Dragster design, Power Anchor Plane/Car making, Bottle Rockets, MaKey MaKey innovation, Sphero Coding, Drone Racing, BristleBots and possibly 3D Racers.
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, Belfield
Students will learn about robots in the community and how to build and program LEGO EV3 robots to perform specific tasks as part of their guided training. The school, with help from parent funding, will purchase a class set of robots, and we are seeking a grant to purchase the Space Challenge set, which will provide more authentic and related engineering and programming activities that will dovetail with Stage 3 Maths, Science and Technology outcomes.
St Stephens Preschool
Celebrating Science Week at Preschool Science Fair – Small group activities with teachers, parents and community volunteers (a microbiologist and computer engineer).
St. Leo’s Catholic College
Family and Community Science Afternoon – with drone flights and competitions to predict the height and distance travelled by the drone, group problem solving activities such as building the tallest tower, flying paper planes; Science trivia competition to be run across tutor groups. Students will be able to have a turn operating the drone across National Science Week.
Summer Hill Public School
Tech Ninjas – Drones, Droids and Robots Thursday 18 August 2016 ‘Tech Ninjas’ (student mentors) from Leichhardt Campus of the Sydney Secondary College demonstrate use of Spheros, Programmable Drones, Arduino boards and Raspberry-Pi to Stage 2&3 primary school students.
Sydney Grammar School, Edgecliff Preparatory School
Drones, Droids and Robots Expo – Students will be encouraged to bring in and make a drone, droid or robot, and in ‘Science Fair’ or expo style, each entrant will display their drone/droid/robot, make a poster and/or show an electronic presentation about how their invention can be utilised to help us in our lives. Six students/teams will be selected to share their presentations, via Skype, with our ‘science partner’ school, St Aloysius in Queenscliff, Melbourne. Science Club will meet twice a week for the term preceding the Expo. At these meetings, they will learn how to program Raspberry Pi’s to perform different scientific data-collecting functions within our school.
Tallowood School
Science Fair for a number of local schools for specific purposes. We are aiming to engage a large number of students with special needs, through sight, touch and taste, with a range of sensory chemistry, physics and biology demonstrations and activities. There will be three sessions repeated over one day for all Tallowood students, parents, teachers and visiting schools.
The Canobolas Rural Technology High School
Auto-Quad-Swee (AQS). We propose to prototype and code an autonomous quad sweeping robot that could be deployed after breaks to sweep parts of the school. It will be based on an Arduino powered robot kit, using ultrasonic sensors to detect and avoid objects. Students will follow a design thinking process to develop the AQS, that will be documented and shared with our school community through social media.
The Risk Public School*
COLOURSS Science Festival – Going Robotic- We plan to integrate STEM and the new generation of Connected Learning and Autonomous technology into our annual National Science Week Festival. We celebrate Science week theme over three sites, which are centred on age groups. Seven small schools are joining up with Kyogle High School to undertake hands-on activities involving Mindstorm robotics and drones. A lecturer from Southern Cross University and her Masters student and KHS staff and Year 7 students will be leading the activities.
Toukley Public School
Two Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) events – a STEM day throughout the whole school for all students Preschool to Year 6 and a Parents & Community STEM Afternoon/Night.
Tucabia Public School
Science day for 6 – 7 groups of students, initially focussing on the changes in technology and the impact and relevance it has on our day-to-day life. Where to from here? Using this as a lead in question the groups would build the robots from kits. They would then use the knowledge from the construction and imagination to plan, draw and label a futuristic drone, robot or droid.
Wellington Community Children’s Centre
Given the theme this year, as well as our exiting science experiments involving lots of eggs, bicarbonate soda, vinegar and balloons, we would like to set up a display of household and farming “robots”. We are in the process of contacting local businesses for suggestions.
Wiangaree Public School*
COLOURSS Science Festival – Going Robotic- We plan to integrate STEM and the new generation of Connected Learning and Autonomous technology into our annual National Science Week Festival. We celebrate Science week theme over three sites, which are centred on age groups. Seven small schools are joining up with Kyogle High School to undertake hands-on activities involving Mindstorm robotics and drones. A lecturer from Southern Cross University and her Masters student and KHS staff and Year 7 students will be leading the activities.
Woronora River Public School
Family event showcasing robotics through STEM investigations and activities. This event will promote creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving skills and demystify technology in a fun and engaging evening. This event will build upon the current science program and highlight the relevance of science and robotics in everyday situations.
Xavier College
1. Battlebots: Students have constructed remote controlled boats and cars already and compete against each other to knock an opponent’s robot over. 2. Australian Army Search robot demonstration. Explosive Ordnance Technical Services will demonstrate their bomb search robot with student winners of Battlebots competition given the opportunity to control it. 3. Asimov board testing. The school has purchased a programmable sensor set and students will write code that operates it. This sensor set will be placed on the ISS in July and data collected and processed during National Science Week. The Asimov board will be placed in orbit in 2017. The sensors can be attached to a remote controlled drone and flown around the school to collect data. In particular, a temperature map of the school will be created by the students and will be given to the Student Representative Council to support recommendations for extra gardens and sun shade.
NT (20 schools)
Berry Springs Primary School
Science fair which encompasses the “Technology” theme. Each class across the school will be required to put together a learning/discovery station with a variety of activities around drones, droids and robots in everyday life. There will be a particular focus on the use of technology within the schools award winning science and sustainability program “Growing Green Kids NT”.
Billeroy Road Community Centre
Centre coordinator and volunteers will help with the activities. Easy experiments for children including playdough making, volcanoes experiment, making honeycomb and icecream, water in its solid, liquid and gas state. Exploring static electricity with balloons. Making mud pies with water and dirt and how plants need water. Making fake snow.
Casuarina Senior College
Who wants to fly a drone? Every lunchtime during science week there will be activities offered to students. The activities will be: 1. Drone coding 2. Drone flying 3. Drones in Society.
Epenarra School
Revealing Robots – class groups rotating to four activities: Making Hovercrafts (using blank CD’s and balloons); Programming Bee Bot (using Bee Bot’s); YouTube clip of James Cameron’s ‘Deep Sea Challenge 2014’; and Making Rubber Band Racers (using rubber bands, wood). The night-time activity will encompass a short YouTube clip of robots being used in outer space, and then viewing the night sky through the telescope.
Kormilda College
We have a range of activities planned for National Science Week 2016 that include: A seminar by Engineers Australia, A Lego Mindstorm robot demo by Senior Secondary students to middle years students, a MaKey MaKey Exploratory session, Bristle bot racers challenge and the robotic helping hand challenge.
Larapinta Primary School
Student Run Laboratory – Young Scientists Mentoring Program. In eight groups of three senior students will demonstrate a number of different science experiments that the junior students rotate through during National Science Week. The experiments demonstrate that science is fun and applicable to many areas of everyday life.
Moil Primary School
Bots with Buddies – Big and little buddy group rotational activities throughout the school and preschool. Activity 1 – Probots: Write big buddies and little buddies names on an A3 paper. Activity 2 – Beebots: Create a race track using clear mats and must have two turns.
Nganmarriyanga School
Exciting science demonstrations for the school and the community to come and watch. I would like to demonstrate igniting methane bubbles, super cool liquid nitrogen demonstration and ice cream making, engine rocket demonstrations, decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen pop test, dehydration of sugar, floating ping pong ball (Bernoulli) and more.
Ngukurr Community Education Centre
‘Techno Tourism & Innovative Industry’ – The school will run a host of activities across grades with each class contributing an activity and showcasing them for community and local business members to attend. Transition, Primary and Middle School classes will each create an exhibition stall within the school with students and guests rotating so each class can showcase their science activity.
Nhulunbuy Primary School
Science – Let’s explore deeper! There are two proposed activities for National Science Week. Continuation and expansion of the Lego Robotics Program, and each class in the school will develop their own hands-on science stall that will be suitable for all year levels to engage in. All class teachers will be given links to resources across the science strands (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Physics), then each class teacher will choose an activity for a hands-on activity that will have students rostered on to man them for each class session. Local community organisations will be invited to present a stall at the event day. e.g Local Aboriginal Rangers, the local mine. During this day, the Lego Robotics and Storystarter packages will also be a stall.
Nightcliff Primary School
Science Day at NPS: 17 August 2016 including lead-up to 2021 Skills Expo @ Parliament House (DoE) and follow-up of promotion of National Science Week in NT News Wednesday 29 March 2016 – Coding and Droids article.
Pine Creek School
Science Community Event “To change or not to change… that is the question”. Host a twilight event demonstrating how some facets of science will not change and how other STEM development will continue to assist us as our we move into the 21st century.
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
During the middle session of the day the whole school is split into mixed upper and lower primary groups. In these small groups, the students rotate through 20-minute science activities hosted by teachers and school support people. The students have an opportunity to engage in activities that encompass all aspects of science: Robotics/electronics, biology, chemistry, geology, physics and astronomy.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
The St Mary’s Science and Technology Expo 2016 will take place during National Science Week and involve students from preschool through to Year 6. Students will participate in a variety of science and technology investigations highlighting the importance of science and technology in our lives. The event will highlight the specialist Science program offered at St Mary’s focus and will align with the National Science Week theme-Drones, Droids and Robots.
St Paul’s Catholic Primary School
Under the theme of Drones, Droids and Robots, we hope to Hold a Robotics afternoon. Thursday 18 March 2:45 – 4:45pm for our Families. Robotics educator, Karin Pfister, would be employed to run the session.
St. John’s Catholic College
During National Science Week students from middle – secondary school divide into groups to perform variety of science activities ranging from chemistry with disappearing blue experiment to bridge building competition. This group of Year 9-10 will design drones to integrate maths and science skills called “Drop on target”.
Stuart Park Primary School
The Super Siskamanis Science Show. A science show presented to the whole school on Friday 19 August. The school community will be wowed and entertained in a 30-minute science show. Special Science Week lessons will also be presented to each class during Science Week. The lessons will highlight and explain the focus of National Science Week 2016 and provide children with hands-on, fun and exciting experiments to explore.
Taminmin College
All students in Years 7 to 10 are invited to enter work they are proud of across categories of; design practical, completion practical, written communication, multi-media communication and technology. The technology component will be the section specific to science week 2016 and will allow students to enter designs and models of robots, generators, solar cars and any other model they may have built for their alternative energies project. Year 8 and 9 students all have the opportunity to create these models as part of their assessment.
Tennant Creek High School
All science classes will have a stall on which to display work or demonstrations completed for the Fair. We will also invite Years 5 and 6 from Tennant Creek Primary School to have a stall, and the Clontarf Academy and STARS group. The Fair will be run during school time for students to attend with an open invitation to parents and community members, with a barbeque.
Woodroffe Primary School
This year Woodroffe Primary School has begun a new initiative by joining Preschool and Transition together as a learning unit. This has involved the sharing of resources, planning and projects. One of the main projects in the Early Achievement Centre is to effectively integrate science into literacy and numeracy learning, making the three learning areas real to the students lives. By connecting science, literacy and numeracy into meaningful learning experiences, students will be engaged in authentic learning.
QLD (47 schools)
Albany Hills State School
Science Fair with activities for each Year level to enrich and enhance their Chemical Sciences or Physical Sciences learning experiences. There will be a during-school component and an evening component for parents to come along and celebrate their children’s learning. We are looking to bring Year 11 and 12 students over from our local high school to support the Science Fair.
Amberley District State School
Science Fair – running hands on science workshops for these students. It will increase enthusiasm, curiosity and interest in science and also encourage more children to take part in what we are hoping will be a continuing science week tradition.
Australian International Islamic College
Science Day in the Multi-purpose Hall. Students from Prep to Year 12 will demonstrate different experiments or present poster or other activities.
Beaconsfield State School
Prep – Morning rotations in the prep area. The theme will be based around ‘science in a shoebox’ where we learn science concepts using everyday materials. Years 1-6 classes will be working on an Eng quest project such as building a bridge. Local high school students will be invited to help lead.
Bellevue Park State School
Step into Stem (Immersion) – All students from Prep to Year 6 will be immersed in a series of STEM activities focusing on Coding, Robotics and Engineering (Engineers without borders), utilising specialist teaching staff to run individual activities. Teachers will be able to undertake these sessions with their students to form part of their professional development.
Blackwater State High School
Science Family Challenge – We will open our science labs to the community providing a number of scientific challenges for members of the school community and local community. Interactive activities include the Family Science Challenge such as separation challenges, robotic challenges, catapult challenge etc.
Brightwater State School
Launch a ‘Maker Space’ classroom within the school. The week prior we plan to invite teachers and principals from around the local area and Brightwater staff to engage in professional development in the area of STEM. The following week (National Science Week) we will launch the Maker Space classroom and open it up to students to explore and play and develop a love for science, engineering and technology.
Brisbane Central State School
National Science Week Family Night (Programming with Bee Bot Robots). A hands-on science night for students and families with a focus on robotics for young children.
Burleigh Heads State School
Science Spectacular – Each day during National Science Week we will hold a spectacular science workshop. A range of topics and activities will be set out for students to explore a range of hands on science activities. For example Make a kaleidoscope; Robotics challenge; Making slime; Milk challenge. In our primary school environment, we will be encouraging older student to work closely with younger students.
Capella State High School
Capella/Tieri Science Showcase. A night where parents and community members from Capella and Tieri can come together at Capella State High School to view displays and interactive sessions presented by the school students.
Christ the King
CTK Science Week. We intend to show short videos (from sources such as Futurism and Junior Inventors) about robotic inventions and their impact on our lives and will encourage our students to be inventive at the various maker spaces set up in the library. The activities we plan to include in our maker spaces are building basic robots, such as Bristlebots and Buzzbots, light up cards, play dough cars and flying saucers (all using simple electronic circuits).
Christian Outreach College, Toowoomba
STEAM Olympics – Four competition events held during lunchtimes: Eggstraction -Design a device to extract safely a fresh egg from the centre of a large circle. Device type, relatively unrestricted, drone, robot, RC vehicle or other constructed device; Airplane drop – Construct a glider which will travel the greatest possible distance in a given horizontal direction when dropped from a stationary position; Mousetrap Racer -Design a car powered by a mousetrap -Fastest -Longest; STEAM Concept Use ‘arts’ to explain a current concept in science or maths.
Collinsville State High School
Collinsville Community Science Fair – Science sharing event – providing students with experimental design, methodology and presentation to display to the community.
Concordia Lutheran College
To develop a Robotics Club as a permanent year long activity – A robotics club that encompasses a range of robotics, coding, drones, droids. This would be a joint venture between the science and technology departments. Students have expressed an interest in building their own drones, from their own designs.
Condy Park Preschool & Kindergarten
A Night of Science! To create the opportunity for our children and families to come into the kindy and work together on a number of science experiments that will be set up with the support of their teachers. Each child & parent will rotate and be given ample time to explore each concept and alongside the teacher discuss the outcomes.
Deception Bay State High School
STEAM Carnival to be held over National Science Week 2016. Throughout the week the school will provide a variety of opportunities for students to get hands on, play and have fun with coolest gadgets, gizmos & games that science has to offer.
Fitzgerald State School
Switched On Science! Drones! Droids & Robots – a lunchtime-based event promoting science and will run over two weeks to enable all 780 students and teachers access to activities beyond the usual science program. Members of the community will be invited as guest speakers and participants of the event. This will include a friendly interschool competition with our neighbouring high school (Mackay North State High School).
Grace Lutheran College
Week-long competition for groups of middle-school students. The competition will involve programming a simple Arduino robot (2 wheel drive) using the Arduino programming environment to complete a set of tasks involving sensing the environment, avoiding obstacles and moving a payload.
Grantham State School
Science and Technology Day – The whole school will be involved in a range of activities to promote science and technology across the school. We have run this day previously and it has been very successful at lifting the profile of Science. We are hoping to make this an annual event.
Hervey Bay State High School
LEGO robotics activities – The activities planned for National Science Week involve students gaining hands-on experience in building and programming robots to perform specific tasks. The school will run small workshops for students to introduce them to the concept of programming robots to solve problems
Hillcrest Christian College
Primary School Science exhibition – run by upper primary classes in the school, the exhibition will be held all day and students from Prep-Year 6 will be invited to attend. The exhibition will be interactive and involve a number of stalls that incorporate science work and experiments that students have explored both in class and individually.
Homebush State School
Homebush State School Whole School Community Science Day will raise the profile of science with a particular emphasis on technology. All students from Prep – Year 6 will be engaged in design challenges, demonstrations of technology and opportunities for students to teach their peers and parents.
Ipswich East State School
Maze Runner Brushbots – construction of brushbots using miniaturised motors on toothbrush heads to create self-automated robot.
Kilcoy State High School
Science Fair – community science fair where student investigations are displayed and prizes awarded. Local primary schools will be involved, with a view to increasing participation and enthusiasm for science.
MacGregor State High School
To show students real life drones and how can it be used in day-to-day activities to make life easier.
Mareeba State High School
Robotics and drones in an Agriculture field day.
Maryborough State High School
Dilemma Solved! – Students will be given a range of dilemmas at school ranging from too much litter to doors left open to increasing use of school noticeboards. Students will be asked as an individual or in a small groups to come up with a simple machine to solve the problem.
Mitchelton State School
Dual activities held in National Science Week: 1) School-wide Science Competition. During this competition students will select from 4 categories to enter (Classified Collections, Scientific Investigation, Communicating Science or Models and Inventions). Student winners will be chosen from each age group. The Year 6 hosts will then invite the whole school student community to view the exhibits at the Science Open Day. Winners from the Competition may be eligible to enter STAQ Science Competition. 2) Parent SC@Mmers: Science Inquiry Afternoon. SC@M (Science Club at Mitchie) will hold a parent afternoon where parents of SC@M students will participate in a range of hands-on exploratory science activities.
Mundubbera P-10 State School
Science and Engineering Challenge with a splash of robotics. During lunch time demonstrations and activities students will practise teamwork and develop creativity. Students will be given set time and equipment to solve an engineering problem such as building a bridge, catapult or balloon-buggy in mixed ages across the whole school P-10.
Northern Beaches State High School
This year will be our first National Science Week at Northern Beaches allowing us to demonstrate and showcase some of our student work and also invite JCU scientists to demonstrate experiments to students.
Patricks Road State School
Patricks Road State School Science Week – introducing the students and interested community members to the early stages of robotics through the hands -on use, including basic programming, of Bee-Bots, Pro-Bots and some Lego robotics.
Pomona State School
D D R Quest – Students will move between 10 stations with activities related to Drones, Droids and Robots. Challenges will range from iPad robotics apps to real-life Raspberry Pi Lego Mindstorms tasks; from a Star Wars droids quiz to a visit from a NAO robot and on to a Makerspace area for creative robot constructions
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Hands on workshop presented by “The Science Factory” called Robo Mania: Hands on Minds on Technology. All classes from Prep to Year 6 will be attending the workshop which will be at the school for the whole day. The workshop is being held specifically for and during National Science Week.
Sheldon College
Science Fair Evening – 18 August. Our Science Fair evening is a culmination of all of the science projects that every one of our Year 9 and 10 students have created. Students are asked to complete a scientific investigation or build a working model/invention. The winners of these prizes obtain automatic entry to the Science Teachers’ Association of Queensland (STAQ) annual science awards.
Spinifex State College Senior Campus
Martian Rover Simulation – The activity consists of building an autonomous Mars rover that has the ability to avoid obstacles in its quest to find a particular object. Students will build and program their rover (based on Arduino Zumo). The students will be competing in groups, each will demonstrate the efficiency and capabilities of their Rover in simulated Mars conditions, to find an object the fastest. Students will be working on their rovers during after school sessions, and will present their work to parents and community members at the schools annual science night, held during National Science Week.
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls School
Augmented Reality Sandbox: This activity will allows students to interact with the landscape by using sand to demonstrate topography. Periodic Table Battleships: This activity is based on the battleship game – students will select four elements (elemental ships) that the opposing player has to find through a series of questions. The game involves using two large laminated periodic tables set up in an A Frame model. The Marie Curie Club MC2 – this weekly club will showcase many popular experiments such as clock reaction experiments, honeycomb making, shooting gallery with bazooka smoke ring machine demonstrating the idea of a vortex and other engaging experiments.
St Augustine’s College
Autonomous technology in STEM – There will be various challenges aimed at different abilities and ages with older students assisting younger students (and in some cases vice versa) to use “scratch” to code the robots. Students will also explore real-world applications of these technologies and consider how they have transformed our lives. We will also have a competition for students to come up with the most creative future application of their coding.
St Catherine’s Primary School, Wishart
STEM Fest – School STEM Festival Day for Years 3 – 6, filled with learning experiences to launch the school’s implementation of the new Digital Technologies learning area, linked with the already established Science curriculum program. Activities for rotating school groups such as wearable circuits, coding and programming, Lego robotics, makey makey kits, and balloon-powered land yachts.
St Dympna’s Primary School
Science Fair/ Invention Convention which would be the culmination of a variety of activities conducted throughout National Science Week 2016. Over the week, we envision a class/year level focus, as well as a whole school focus on the wonders of science.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Parramatta Park
Droid, drone and robotics program will be run for all classes in the school. The program will include having invited guests visit the school throughout the week to show students the application of ICT in current industries. Students in the higher year levels will have the opportunity to design robots on their iPads that they think will help improve our lifestyle, the environment or our safety in the future, giving students the opportunity to get involved with coding and robotics so that they can see how achievable it is.
St Joseph’s School
Science Fair, in which students are encouraged to create an item to display. We will utilise the theme ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’. We will display the students’ creations at a special Science Fair and invite members of our local community to view and interact with the items.
Stanthorpe State High School
Robotics Adventure – We have currently 5 EV3 Mindstorm robots. We would like to interface them with a Raspberry Pi to enable students to program them with python. Some tasks we are currently considering are: (a) use the school’s pH probe to take pH samples of various soil solutions. (b) to take temperature readings at different points in a room to obtain a temperature gradient that may exist.
Townsville Community Learning Centre
Science Connectedness’ – A science day which connects mainstream high school students and special school students. Science students will demonstrate and interact with the TCLC students through range of science experiments and presentations.
Vera Lacaze Memorial Kindergarten and Preschool
Kindy Science Detectives – Our centre is very much focused on play-based and child-led learning. A number of activities will be run for the children at the kindy during National Science Week to encourage exploration and discovery of how science relates to their every day life at kindy. Parents will be invited to participate with their children throughout the week.
West End State School
Inaugural WESScience Fair Spectacular (WESSFS). This event will run from 15-19 August inclusive, and take place on the school grounds with activities and displays for students and the local community. Students will have the opportunity to take part in a Science Fair competition where they will conduct investigations in their own time and display their findings and results in the school library during science week. In addition, there will be a Science Fair Gala Day which will involve each year level creating interactive science and technology displays that all students can investigate and learn from. Students from Brisbane State High School will come to West End State School to organise interactive displays at lunchtime.
Woodridge State High School
Build your own ‘T’ in STEM – Students will sign up to participate in a session where they will build their own tablet and then learn through exploration about coding. Each session will start with a personally recorded welcome from the young entrepreneur and founder from Brisbane who saw the need for young people not to just consume technology but create and educate themselves.
Woodstock State School
Woodstock Drones, Robots and Bee-Bot Challenge – Students will participate in the construction and programming of machines and work in multi-age teams with parents and teacher assistance to challenge each other.
SA (46 schools)
Aberfoyle Hub R-7 School
Kindy Science Afternoons. Students from nearby kindergartens will visit the Aberfoyle Hub R-7 School for an afternoon of fun science activities. The senior students of the primary school will design and run the activities at different stations and the kindy students will rotate between the stations.
Adelaide North Special School
The Robot Project. Each class will be given a box to design and make a robot that will support the needs, curriculum, theme or interest of the class. The completed robots will be put on display at our local shopping centre, to further our link with the community.
Aldinga Beach B-7 School
This would be the first National Science Week held at our school, so a science fair would be great to put on, with all classes taking part and showing their learning and skills to the community.
Banksia Park Family Kindergarten
Simple Machines. Physics. Children will design and make their own simple machine with woodwork material using the models we wish to purchase and the help of our buddy students at the neighbouring primary school.
Barmera Primary School
As part of a week long activity program the Science Department will highlight the use of robots and RC aspects of science and how they can be used through hands on activities, all different aspects of science and how students from the youngest ages to families and the community can be involved in science.
Burra Community School
Water in our World. Students will be taken to local areas of significance, such as World’s End, Burra Creek and Hill River to investigate stream gauge stations operated by the Dept. for Environment, Water and Natural Resources and demonstration of how groundwater resources operate in the region presented by an academic from Flinders University.
Bute Primary
The students will be put into groups and we will have a rotation of activities happening throughout the day surrounding the theme. We will invite our Kindy children.
Clare High School
Aerial imaging and remote sample collection. Using a flying camera platform (drone) to facilitate a simulated scenario based on spillage of a hazardous substance. Aerial vegetation analysis for vineyard management. Attaching a near infrared (NIR) camera to a flying camera platform (drone) to capture and analyse images that are used to monitor plant health.
Cowell Area School
Lunchtime activities – running a series of lunchtime activities for students centred around the schools theme for science week. Activities would be targeted to age groups (i.e. R-2, 3-6, 7-9 etc) with each group able to participate in one or two lunch activities. Science Fair – students would build and make models (including working models) of STEM related objects.
Cummins Area School
Robotics & Engineering Challenge & Technology – robotics and engineering showcase for the Lower Eyre Peninsula The aim of this event would be to allow students from our rural and remote areas to experience robotics and engineering. The showcase would have 4 parts – a robotics and engineering challenge for surrounding schools; a drones in industry session; a robotics and engineering challenge for community; and, open classrooms.
East Marden Primary School
Robotic Science Galaxy. There will be two separate Science rooms for Reception – Year 3, and Years 4-7. Each room will have similar experiments, but with different levels of complexity. All experiments will be fully hands-on activities, covering STEM.
Edwardstown Primary School
Robotics with Scratch. We will develop a deeper understanding in the students about how coding can be used beyond programs such as Scratch and Hour of Code, and how robotic ‘toys’ can be used for other purposes. All the students from Years 3-7 will be able to enter the challenge, individually or in groups, to write a code for a Sphero BB-8 robot or Parrot min-drone, using apps on iPads or computers. The winning entry will be a program which is more than just a game, but shows possible assistive applications.
Findon High School
Primary Science Mentoring by Year 10 science students. Various cross-curricular whole school activities that will engage students in a deeper understanding of the connections between STEM focusing on Droids, Drones and Robots. Year 10 students will teach junior primary students through practical activities and demonstrations.
Fulham Gardens Primary School
Research It, Plan It, Plant It, Feed It, Nurture It – Students to investigate their local environment.
Garden College
As Garden College is a newly established school it is lacking in science equipment. A Microscope Monocular is needed to engage students into looking at microorganisms.
Grant High School
On going experiment to monitor pH and temperature over the week. Students will use technology to collect, graph and interpret data.
Greenock Primary School
Year 6/7 class will plan a range of science activities for the younger students in the school. These will include activities from all key ideas of the science curriculum. All students will experience at least two activities from the biological, physical, chemical and earth and space areas.
Hallett Cove South Primary School
School Open Day- 40th Anniversary Celebrations. We want to celebrate and investigate how children’s play has changed or remained the same over time. Students will explore toys from a variety of cultures and times, including pinball machines, robotic toys, maze runs and dolls. Children will develop their own toy or game during the lead up and then share it with the wider community during our school’s 40th anniversary open day.
Henley High School
R-10 Community Science Spectacular. Working with local primary schools in our partnership we will conduct a Science Expo for members of the community and other students, showcasing experiments/demonstrations/work of Science at all year levels.
John Hartley
Drones, Droids and Robots Week. Students will participate in robot making competitions, school assembly, design and planning over the course of a week. Peer support will be used across the school with older classes investigating then sharing robotic devices with the school and community at a special science assembly.
KICE- Kingscote
Daily Notices Science Quiz for the whole week. School is divided into R-2, 3-5, 6-9 and 10-12 Care groups and each care group answers three daily science questions appropriate for their age group. Hands on activities with older students mentoring younger students – making lava lamps, making bouncy balls, spaghetti towers/bridges, rubber band racer etc using everyday materials. Lunch time competitions – which rubber band racer travels the greatest distance, strongest bridge built from matchstick/spaghetti, tallest spaghetti tower.
Kildare College
As a Science Faculty we will provide all students with the opportunity to be engaged in various science activities and experiments during an entire week at school. The activities will be designed to promote collaboration and problem solving skills. Students will have the opportunity to: participate in orchid cultivating; program robots; work in teams in order to construct a bridge from straws and pop sticks to determine the weight that their bridge can support; learn about Faraday’s law and how a microphone works; attempt to solve science riddles to win prizes; participate in a titration competition between staff and senior students; witness various eye catching demonstrations.
Lameroo Regional Community School
Full day Science Fair. Children will run workshops of science activities and experiments across all science areas including Agricultural Science.
Mary MacKillop Memorial School
‘Spectacular Science’ – a whole school National Science Week activity day. As a small school with limited science resources, we plan to promote interest and engagement in scientific processes and application in the ‘real’ world and in the workplace. We are organising a range of ‘hands on’ activities for students across all year levels involving chemical reactions, electrical circuits and motion.
Mid North Christian College
The whole school will be putting on a science fair. Primary students will be making things that move with natural power, e.g. solar, wind, water etc – Items such as cars, boat, planes and robots if they can. Middle school will be making things that move with battery power – things that may need wires and connections to make move eg arms, legs, propellers etc. Senior students will be making robot and other things that move with motors and other remote items.
Monash Primary School
Student led investigation, planning and sharing of student-to-student hands on science experiments and demonstrations which show the relevance of science in everyday life and industry. The senior classes will each research and practice and set up their activity.
Moonta Area School
Drones, Droids and Robots- “Classroom and Community Coding Capers”. A National Science Week Open Morning to be held on Friday morning at Moonta Area School in the R-6 primary classrooms. This will be a celebratory culmination to a thematic Science and Technology focus of digital technology, coding and robotics lessons delivered in the preceding weeks of Term 3. Classes will nominate one or two activities or areas they would like to explore and teach in these preceding weeks.
Mount Gambier High School
Science Day – Mount Gambier High School will host a Science Day, where Year 7 students from at least one of our feeder schools are invited to attends and participate in STEM activities.
Naracoorte Primary School
Whole school STEM Challenge.
Northern Adelaide Senior College
“Making @ NASC”. Throughout National Science Week, lunchtime activities will be conducted each day in the Hub (NASC) and the NASSSA Community Learning Centre to showcase the Technology in STEM and introduce a Maker culture to the students and the College. Activities will largely focus on engaging a wide range of students across NASC, NASSSA Community Learning Centre, and parents and children associated with the NASC crèche, in collaborative exploration of robotics, through LEGO kits and Raspberry pis.
Our Lady of Hope School
13 classes in the school from R-7, will be allotted a time during National Science Week, to come to the Science Room with their parent helpers to make a motorized colouring Robot.
Pennington School R-7
Incursion for Friday 19 August: “The Mobile Science Spectacular – What science is and why we need it?” by the Mobile Science Education, South Australia.
Pinnacle College
Each class teacher will lead a Science/Technology related activity with a group of students based on a class rotation system.
Port Lincoln High School
Drone Challenge – students will design and build an unmanned craft and develop a detection and tracking system (e.g that could remotely identify faulty power cables and insulators in SA Power Networks power distribution network).
Seaton Park Primary
Science at home- Parents will be invited to come into a session with their child’s class and participate in experiments that you can do at home. Students will take home show bags with a booklet of experiments that they can do at home with their parents as well as some of the material needed to complete experiment.
Seaview High School
Automation Hackathon. Students will be invited to participate in an Arduino Hackathon to design, construct and program an automated device during three lunchtimes of National Science Week.
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School
STEM LEGO. Access to the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 core set and software will give our students their first taste of the ways in which all elements of their learning can be combined.
St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School
Science Sculpture Exhibition. Each class from Reception – Year 7 will design and create (prior to Science Week) a science sculpture made from recyclable materials. A representative from NRM Education will present certificates for participation, a prize to the winning class and trees/seedlings (for our vegetable garden and around our school boundary) at a whole school assembly on the Friday of Science Week. There will be a National Science Week lunch at the Canteen and we will make Science Experiment Videos – students in Year 6/7 will work in pairs to research and film a one-minute video of a science experiment of their choosing.
St James School
Cross-aged Science Day where older students work with younger students in a rotation of Science based activities throughout the day. This year we would like at least one of the activities to be based around ‘Drones, Droids and Robotics’ to link with this year’s theme and connect to our M/P and U/P outcomes of Technology in the Australian Curriculum.
St Joseph’s School
Robotics Collaborative Day – an event in which our younger students (R-4) would be able to work together with our Yr 5-7 Robotic Club to design dance sequences with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 blocks.
St Martins Lutheran College
Remote Controlled Robots – Design and Code. Year 5 and 6 students will design, code and sequencing to construct a robot made from Lego.
Swallowcliffe Schools P-7
Swallowcliffe Science Fair, students to participate in a range of fun, hands-on investigations. The older students will be involved with running and assisting younger ones through their activities in the morning.
Unity College, Murray Bridge
Unity College Science Expo. Science Expo evening to showcase and celebrate the excellent Science work the students have completed throughout lesson time. The students will be given the opportunity to investigate a science topic of their choice. They will choose a research question and then design and carry out their own experiment to investigate the question. They will present their findings at the Science Expo evening.
Whyalla Town Primary School
The whole school will have a science day. Each of the thirteen classes will participate in activities centred on the science week theme throughout the day.
Wilmington Primary School
LAB on WHEELS Interactive Hands-on Science Workshops.
Yorketown Area School
Farming Robotically. We wish to simulate the use of GPS self-steer technology that is currently been integrated into our local agricultural industry by holding STEM farmer competitions. These STEM farmers (Year 5/6 and 9/10 Science and Technology students) will build three ‘follow the line’ robots (with sensors) that can track around models of paddocks in the schools central quadrangle area.
Tas (30 schools)
Bowen Road Primary School
Brain Break on 11 August for the whole school. Whole school focus on design, make and appraise DMA using Drone, Droid and Robot concept.
Bracknell Primary
Annual family science night. During National Science Week we will open up classrooms in our school and invite families to come along and participate in fun Science learning activities together.
Brooks High School
Travelling science roadshow to visit our feeder primary schools, targeting Year 5 and 6 students. The roadshow would include hands on activities developed by senior (Year 9 and 10) students to do with younger students.
Burnie Primary School
Burnie Primary School Science Expo. Students will interact and engage in a wide variety of science activities, which will be run by the students themselves. Year 5/6 will also be judged on their science inquiries and 3/4 students will display their science inquiry posters. This Expo will be open to the local community and will involve the Early Childhood Day Care centre close by.
Cosgrove High School
Cosgrove High Robotics Road Show. We intend to take small groups of senior students out into our feeder primary schools to deliver hands on science tasks in robotics and provide examples of 3D printing from our printer.
Devonport Christian School
The Curiosity HQ Drones, Droids and Robots Maker Fair will showcase a range of commercially available and student designed robots, droids and robots. The event will be open to the public and students from other schools will be welcome to participate. Interactive displays will be hosted by staff and students, enabling attendees to learn about the various devices through hands on experiences. A range of drones, droids and robots themed competitions will be held. Local politicians and industry representatives will be invited as guests to judge the competitions.
Dover District High School
Dover, K-10, is planning to be part of the UTAS Bigger Things Huon Schools Science Week. We want to engage primary students with the theme in a hands on practical way.
Exeter High School
Science Fair for Feeder Primary Schools. A science fair will be conducted at the local primary school, across the road from the high school, and the other feeder primary school will be invited to participate. The fair will run for a full school day. High school students (Years 9 – 10) will run hands on engaging mini experiments for the primary students. Classes from Kindergarten through to Year 6 will participate in the fair during the course of the day.
Fairview Primary School
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for primary schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
Flinders Island Distract High School
A group of secondary school students will plan, organise and run National Science Week events as part of a new subject, Integrated Unit, which we have implemented this year.
Forest Primary School
Old MacDonald had a Drone. The 2016 National Science Week theme, ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’ has inspired our school community to look at ways technology is changing and improving the day to day practices of our local farmers. The project explores the development of active learning partnerships for students, staff, parents and the wider community in appreciating the important role technology plays today and into the future.
Glenora District School
National Science Week whole school 2-day event. All students from Kinder – Year 10 will participate in a hands-on fair showcasing experiments and activities from across all disciplines of science, with a focus on technology and robots.
Molesworth Primary School*
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for primary schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
Mowbray Heights Primary School
We are holding a Science Expo in National Science Week. This is our third biennial Expo that we have held at school. It is a full day, hands on activity-based event that caters for our whole school population. Each class provides an activity for others to participate in. The team of science teachers present new activities and equipment each expo as well as borrowing/hiring resources from local organisations.
New Norfolk High School*
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for primary schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
New Norfolk Primary School*
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for primary schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
New Town High School
“Storm the School”. Over the course of National Science Week (and beyond), students from all grades (and primary students from surrounding schools participating in our Science Buddies Programme) will have the opportunity to work in teams to design, build, programme and control a robot to complete a challenge set within the school grounds.
Ogilvie High School
Be Robot Madness Science Hub in collaboration with ELearning, to provide access and learning for six primary schools, Years 5/6, in the area of robotic and future technologies. Year 9 students will work with the Primary school students, introducing coding and robot technology.
Ouse District School*
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for primary schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
Prospect High School
Amazing Robot Show. Students with special needs will be building robots using everyday materials. They will research how similar robots have changed human lives then they will present this to an audience consisting of, parents, teachers, invited guests and other students at the ‘Amazing Robot Show’.
Queechy High School
Robotics – Simple machines. During National Science Week, all students from Years 7 to 10 will have the opportunity to construct their own simple machines, which show how different robots are able to move. We will be conducting four lunchtime sessions of 45 min each, where students will be welcome to participate in constructing their own robot part using the proposed purchase request in addition to our schools’ existing resources.
Ridgley Primary School
An open class room event to be held simultaneously throughout the school with parents and invited guests to attend. Parents with science backgrounds/occupations will be asked to participate and share their knowledge/love of science. All classes will participate at their level with displays and hands on activities for parents to investigate alongside their children.
Riverside Primary School
Drone, Droids and Robots at RPS. This year Riverside Primary is continuing on their National Science Week journey by having a room full of activities that engage students into the workings of drone, droids and robots and how they link and make connections to the community including occupations and places.
Rokeby Primary School
Our school will host a Family Science Fair that will involve all children from birth to Year 6 and their families. Each year group teacher and their class will host a hands on/interactive activity that children and their families will be involved in. It will focus on practical ways that science, engineering, technology and mathematics are being used in our everyday lives, economy, society and world. Our local high school will be invited to contribute to this event, along with other community members like the ‘Men’s Shed’ and the Police to show how science and technology can impact on our everyday lives.
Rosetta Primary
Celebrate with Science. We will hold a number of events under the heading Celebrate Science at Rosetta during National Science Week: Drone Photo-we will make the word SCIENCE on our school oval with the students then photograph it with a drone; Science Challenge Day- students from upper grades will work with students from local college-Claremont College and local catholic school Holy Rosary to provide challenges with technology component for classes to visit; Robotics Show – local student invited to do demonstrations with her award-winning robot.
Scotch Oakburn College
For National Science Week 2016, we are planning to create a Makerspace that will engage our students in authentic and hands on learning experiences that relate to everyday life. It will be held in our ‘conneXions’ flexible learning space and be supported by our team of six conneXions staff members. Classes will rotate through during the week and students will have access before school, during lunch, and after school.
Taroona High
Local primary schools will be invited to come and participate in a variety of hands on activities designed and run by Taroona High Year 8 students.
Trevallyn Primary School
We have just installed a Green House in our School Garden so we would like to look at biodiversity in our local bush area through a quadrant analysis. The students will draw detailed sketching of botanical plants, insects and animals we find in our natural environment. The results from our experiments will presented to the school community along with our display as part of National Science Week. This environmental project along with the growing numbers of students wishing to participate in the Drones, Droids and Robots Tasmanian Science Talent Search Engineering Challenge will be the two ongoing projects.
Westbury Primary School
This event will be a Meander Valley interschool community one day event focussing on varying aspects of science and include an exhibition of science work and experiments from school students; a guest speaker; demonstrations and interactive science activities (these will include activities involving robotics, droids, weather, bugs, magnets and chemical reactions); and a competition. Westbury Primary School will host the event and schools from throughout the area will be invited to participate (two schools have already indicated they would like to be involved) as well as parents and community members.
Westerway Primary School*
Science Expo 2016. New Norfolk High School is hosting a Science Expo for Primary Schools within the Derwent Valley Learning Precinct and the broader community.
Vic (36 schools)
Bayview College
Marine conservation walk.
Brentwood Kindergarten
Discovering the environment using wireless hand held digital microscope. Taking photos.
Ceres Primary School
Developing a vegetable garden and compost system.
Colchester Park Pre-School
Organising and constructing a compost system and worm farm.
Collingwood College
The training of teaching in the use of coding.
Creswick Primary School
Inspiring space. Microscopes connected to computers. Involving the whole community.
Diamond Valley College
The building of a semi-autonomous robot platform so students can explore their school and surrounds.
East Loddon P-12 College
Secondary students designing and running activities for primary students and their families.
Emmanuel College
Students from Emmanuel and the local primary schools exploring how a robot can be used to generate solutions to contemporary problems.
Essex Heights Primary School
Drones, droids and robots. Rotating science activities. Promoting women in science.
Galen Catholic College
Robotic students throughout the region invited to participate in a MINDSTORMS Challenge.
Gisborne Montessori School
Providing science materials to cover activities for playgroup, Preschool and Prep – Year 6 classes.
Grasmere Primary School
Creating Raspberry Pi robots to do a Make-Do Construction. Involving the local secondary school and kindergarten.
Greensborough Preschool
To explore the environment using a “Lego Early Simple Machines” small group pack.
Hawkesdale P-12 College
Secondary students to organise and run activities for primary school students and their families. Students given materials to take home to continue experimenting.
Horsham College
Horsham College staff with members from the local community running activities for the whole community.
Katandra West Primary School
Exploring the night sky.
Kew High School
Science Extravaganza. Teachers showcasing some exciting aspects of science.
Kilvington Grammar
The purchasing of a drone that would be used to take photos of the school and surrounds. Consideration of how scaling is used.
Laburnum Primary School
Running and working with the elderly citizens from LOUISE- Multicultural Community Centre.
Lakes Entrance Secondary College
Lakes Entrance students with local primary students exploring and developing skills in robotics, drones and coding.
Lyndale Greens Primary
A summer bouquet. Planting summer flowers from seeds. Photographing and recording as a class project.
Macleod College
Use of a drone to monitor nest boxes around the school. Data collected is passed on to Latrobe University in their quest to study sugar gliders.
Mentone Girls’ Grammar School
National Science Week breakfast. Female students from Alliance schools across Melbourne to meet up with a number of prominent women scientists.
Mount Alexander College
Science Spectacular. Students running a series of science activities for the local primary schools and the local community.
Ringwood Secondary College
2016 Maker Faire in National Science Week, supporting local primary schools in STEM activities.
Sirius College (Keysborough Campus)
National Science Week expo. Secondary students running activities for primary students as well as providing a presentation showing that science is a human endeavour.
St Andrews Primary School
Archaeology in six small rural schools.
St Finbar’s Primary School
Planting an Indigenous resource garden.
St Mary’s Primary School, Hastings
Raising the profile of computers in the school by running a science fair that includes other local catholic schools.
St Peter’s College
Developing a series of open lunchtime science sessions that students from the school, from the feeder schools can come and be involved.
St. Patrick’s Koroit
A Science Spectacular. Running a science fair for the local community. The science fair includes a magic show and the making of a film using a drone.
Sunshine College – West Campus
Sunshine Travelling Science Show. An interactive show offered to the local primary schools.
Tempy Primary School
P-6 focus on robotics. Teachers from Tempy and the local primary schools getting together to design and run activities for all their students.
Western English Language School
Exploring science. A team of students who are proficient in English will run a series of activities throughout the week for the less proficient.
Yarraville West Primary School
Robotics spaghetti machine. Senior primary students to build and program a spaghetti machine.
WA (26 schools)
Adam Road Primary School
To conduct a family science night whereby parents and their children make items and participate in science challenges. Demonstrations of a drone will also be available.
Alinjarra Primary School
Beginning with a science assembly the week before to open the week. Students come dressed as scientists. The science lab will open all week at lunchtime for science activities in select groups.
Augusta Primary School
Demonstration from ‘UAV Resources: Aerial Photography and Video’ of real life drones and their application in our community
Bletchely Park Primary School
We will be running a number of robot related activities over the last week of Term 2 for National Science Week. Students will be programming/coding, racing, designing and problem solving with robots (the Meet Edison bots).
Bull Creek Primary
Science Extravaganza! A series of highly interactive science activities will be provided for students to participate in during recess and lunch throughout National Science Week. The focus will be on physical sciences.
Busselton Senior High School
Groups of Year 10 students will design and present a series of science activities to primary school students to help engage and excite the students about the opportunities and fun of science, technology, engineering and maths for their future in high school.
Capel Primary School
A whole school project where students will work in small groups across the age levels to build their own Jitterbug, as outlined in Johnno’s Science.
Churchlands Senior High School
Drones, Droids and Robots Expo creating a greater understanding of the role of technology in our lives, an understanding of programming and greater engagement of students in STEM fields.
Cocos Islands District High School
We will plan and construct two Baited Remote Underwater Video apparatus (BRUV’s). These will be deployed in the lagoon and used to conduct fish surveys and manta ray surveys as part of our Marine Science classes.
Deanmore Primary School
Deanmore Drones, Droids and Robots Science Fair. National Science Week will involve the Year 6 classes organizing and preparing twelve different learning stations around the school Science Room.
Ellenbrook Christian College
The Faraday Challenge: Remote Operations. Creative problem solving for different ability levels.
Fountain College
Water rocket launch, spaghetti bridge building competition, maker space, LEGO Mindstorms ev3 robot demonstrations, Littlebits, Arduinos, 3D printing, hands on scientific demonstrations, CSIRO CREST project demonstrations, solar car race, sun telescope and many more.
Greenwood College
An evening event for parents and students who might not have heard of the club to demonstrate how they can try out programming and robotics for themselves.
Hampton Senior High School
Hampton Senior High School will host a public event that highlights the growing importance of robotic and drone technology. The event will include an information booth focusing on drones and robotics.
Heathridge Primary School
Students will get the opportunity to build a Bristlebot robot – toothbrush robot generated by a vibrating motor. Using the Bristlebot students can begin to learn the process of problem solving using critical thinking, ingenuity and innovation.
International School of western Australia
A series of workshops will be run for our students to be introduced to Arduino projects, this would be for both the primary school and the secondary school.
Kalamunda Senior High School
A host of simple experiments in classes and a science quiz across the school during National Science Week to engage whole school students in activities.
Kalgoorlie Boulder Community High School
A range of activities such as viewing videos on building robots and observing images on recycled sculptures will further provide ideas and inspiration for these budding roboticists to create their own moving, working machine.
Maddington Primary School
A full day of science activities in addition to our normal science program on Tuesday, 16 August with all teachers, support staff and students from Kindergarten to Year 6 involved in activities to be run on a rotational basis.
Mandurah Catholic College
In keeping with the Drones, Droids and Robots theme, the Year 8s will be learning about drones, and will be undertaking a drone obstacle course race. The school has already bought 3 drones to be used for this activity. In addition to this MCC would like to add a robotics competition.
Newton Moore Senior High School
Our school will be hosting a number of workshops for students and community members including Maths in Motion and Coding. Programs we wish to showcase include F1 in Schools, Human Powered Vehicle, NXT and EV3 Robotics, the City of Bunbury Osprey Research Project, Marine Managers and Dolphin Research program and Native Fish Breeding. Our interactive displays will showcase Nanotechnology, Physics, Chemical Sciences and Biology.
Rockingham Senior High School
The types of activities may include: Scientist and their Discovery, Periodic Table Quiz, Identify the Element, Robot “war”, Science Morning Tea, Robot Karaoke, STEM Activities and other ideas and activities generated, planned and run by the students.
St Emilie’s Catholic Primary School
Through a series of hands on investigations and incursions the students will explore and discover more about the role and importance of robotics in medicine and everyday devices used in hospitals. The students will also look more closely at cars and mining trucks in the resources industry and the potential problems that arise and how they might be overcome.
St Joseph’s School
For one lesson in the week leading up to National Science Week- all classes in Year 6 (Primary), Year 7 and Year 8 will receive a lesson in the use of robots from experienced Year 9 and 10 students, who will be provided with three after school sessions to prepare a lesson with practical exercises. The top team from each Year 6, 7 and 8 class will then be invited to compete in a robot and drone challenge activity night during National Science Week.
WA College of Agriculture, Harvey
The week’s Science/Agricultural Science theme will centre on the real-world application of autonomous technologies in the agricultural industry. We will also look at how this technology is transforming the day-to-day lives of farmers and producers and increasing food production around the world to cater from an ever-increasing population.
Wembley Downs Primary School
We are going to spark students’ imagination by using MaKey MaKey. The MaKey MaKey is an invention kit that tricks computers into thinking that almost anything is a keyboard. This will allow students to hook up all kinds of fun things as an input.