Note: grant conditions and the grant round closing date have changed in response to COVID-19.
Grants available for STEM activities in August 2020 in WA
The Western Australian Coordinating Committee for National Science Week is offering grants to fund regional and metropolitan online STEM activities. Proposed activities are to be held in August, preferably during National Science Week, in Western Australia.
Small grants for organisations/community groups are available. Applicants may apply for up to $4000 (excl. GST).
Grants are available for individuals, community groups, universities, libraries, CRC’s, research institutions and organisations to hold events for members of the General Public to engage with science. The purpose of these grants is to facilitate events or projects that add value to National Science Week in Western Australia. These grants are not intended to fund existing activities.
Get creative with your events and projects! Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans is the schools’ theme for National Science Week in 2020. This theme can provide inspiration to get creative and celebrate Australia’s STEM accomplishments and spark innovation.
Suggested avenues to engage include (but are not limited to) interactive online events, podcasts, digital storytelling, videos, virtual tours, citizen science activities and webinars. Successful applicants will be provided training opportunities to assist with delivering engaging online activities.
To be eligible applicants must ensure that:
- the activity engages the General Public with an innovative and science-based event or project.
- the activity is held in August 2020, ideally during National Science Week (15-23 August). Events may occur anytime during the month of August and will still be promoted as a National Science Week event.
- the activity adheres to laws as outlined by the Western Australian Government in relation to COVID-19.
- the activity is free to the general public.
- the activity is not only school-based.
- the grant covers the cost of consumables, promotional materials and costs associated with invited speakers or specialist contractors; but not salary for general staff costs (e.g. for event coordination or delivery).
- you plan to evaluate the activity by collecting feedback from participants*
- you will be able to complete a report upon the conclusion of your activity*
*Both feedback and reporting templates will be provided by Scitech.
Desirable criteria include:
- involves two or more organisations working in partnership to coordinate the event.
- event or project partners with, or aims to engage underrepresented, or disadvantaged groups with science (e.g. minority groups, multicultural, indigenous, low socio-economic, disability, regional or remote groups) or youth.
- involve novel and/or innovative programs that have not been part of National Science Week before.
- create an opportunity for attendees to further explore science activities in their local area after the event or project.
- uses National Science Week as a launching point for a broader program or event with lasting impacts or outcomes.
- is recorded for use as an ongoing digital resource. In this instance, your application must provide evidence that the consent of those appearing in your footage has been considered.
Successful applicants will also be given the opportunity to promote their activities through the WA National Science Week Coordinating Committee as part of existing promotional materials. Strict deadlines will apply to any successful applicants who wish to use this opportunity.
Need some tips about organising your event? See https://www.scienceweek.net.au/get-involved/organise-an-event/
To submit an application for a small grant please complete the application form (250 kB, docx) and email your completed application by Friday 22 May 2020. Incomplete forms will not be eligible for funding.
If you have any questions about these grants, please contact scienceweek@scitech.org.au .